
+ How to thrift like a pro +

Hey hey.
I was really in the mood for thrifting the other day, so why not blog about it...?! 
Here are some tips on how to get the deals while your out finding some new pieces for your wardrobe! 

Tip #1: Make a list
What are you looking for? 
-Have some things in mind that you can look for while your shoppin'
keep in mind thrift stores have LOTS of cool and weird things, so maybe 
look for something you don't have anything like...! 

Tip #2: Go when there's sales
-Lots of stores have sale days, so find out when they are so you get the best deals

Tip #3: Go to more than one
-You never know if you'll find anything at just one, so go to a few. 
-Every store has different things! 

Tip #4: Be creative
-Most thrift stores are cheap, so if you find pants you love that are too short, cut em'! 
-you can DIY lots of things, make tank tops from tee's, skirts from dresses, etc 

Those are my tips, hope you are successful! xoxoxo
ttyl- dom


  1. Cool post, thanks for the tips!! Thrifting is so much fun :) Have a nice day!
