
+Birthday haul +

Hey hey. 
Okay. Sooo.... First off, It's finally summer!!!! Thought I wasn't going to make it, but- I did. (a shock to me, really...) Anyways, todays post is a birthday haul. Thank you to my friends and family who all made me feel sooo special :) xoxo

Lets begin:

This shirt, jean jacket, and shorts I bought for my birthday when we were shopping this weekend:)

Here is all of the food related things... Geez... Apparently I also love food haha

Room decor: (my sister made the wooden signs, and My friend made the weaved wall decor!)


Homemade sugar scrub and hair treatment:) ^

As you can tell, I love burts bees products:) haha

This Lumineers album is amazing!!

And here are a couple things with no category haha

So in love with this journal and camera 😍

And this purse I also bought while shopping:)
Thank you everyone for reading, and everyone who wished happy birthday/gave me gifts <3
ttyl! (Hopfully sooner than later :) - dom


+ Finally Fifteen +

Heyyyy. It was my birthday yesterday! 
So I thought it would be fun to do 15 facts about me since I just turned 15 :) 

1) I love anything to do with music

2) I was born early

3) I'm interested in modeling

4) I've wanted to own a chimpanzee since I was little

5) I've never broken anything, but I've had stitches 3 times

6) I've danced for 7 years

7) When I was 11 I wanted to wear jean shorts to my future wedding

8) I don't watch shows, I watch youtube lol

9) I can't stand mushrooms

10) I have 3 siblings

11) I probably go shopping too often

12) I'm not a huge fan of math, or any school in general. 

I'd rather be taking photos, and listening to music...

13) I may be a big Jane Austen fan...

14) I live in Canada, but hope to travel to Europe once I graduate

     15) I love blogging, and have made some amazing friends through it <3

The end..


+ Update/summer situation+

Okay... sooo since summer is now here, I thought I'd let you know what my blogging situation is:)
I will be on trips and such through out the summer, which means the Tuesday- Saturday will be a little off... I will defiantly be posting once a week, and let you know on Instagram (teeshirtxjeansblog) when I post something:) Leave any requests of summer post down below! And my birthday is on Tuesday, so please let me know if you want a haul... ttyl- dom


+ #HOF 90's +

Heyo. It's dom. 
Today is history Tuesdayyy! Just kidding thats not a thing thank goodness... 
Anyways, Time for another history of fashion post. This one is for the 90's. Enjoy!

The 90's started off as colourful, loose pieces. Some of the most popular styles were big tee's and long shorts, tapered pants, and Air Jordans. Everyone had a pair of those. 
There was also a popular grunge look teens went for. Old jeans and big flannels. 

The music industry played a big part in choosing what was hot or not. "Hip hop" style was also very popular among teens. Base ball hats were something everyone had. As well as a turtleneck's under large hoodies... Oddly, glamour came back in the late 90's... Maybe people were tired of looking so care free and old so they wanted a change... It was cool to be/look rich, and brand names were a thing once again. 
That comes to the end of the 90's. Hope you enjoyed this little snip into the older fashion industry:) ttyl- dom


+summer lovin'+

Hey hey.
Summer is almost here! 
So I thought of some things that might help it be as awesome as possible... haha 

Tip #1: Stay hydrated!!! 
You might get busy and have lots of things to do, but you need to remember to drink lots of water. 
Add some fruit or cucumber to make taste better:)

Tip #2: Use sunscreen. 
Sunscreen helps prevents skin from aging, (burns age/wrinkle skin) discolouration, and skin cancer.
And yes- you can still tan with sunscreen on! 

Tip #3: Plan things!
If you don't have a full summer schedule, plan some beach days/ summer party's.

Tip #4: Take pictures:) 
I take (too many) pictures all the time... but you'll want to remember the fun things you did this summer.

Tip #5: Make a little money!
The summer gives you lots of opportunities for jobs. Babysitting, mowing lawns, watering gardens, picking fruit... etc. 

Thats all my tips for now:) ttyl- dom


+ Q&A +

Hey hey.
So, I asked on instagram for some questions for a Q&A on my blog. Here are the funny, random, and sweet questions you left... and my answers too: 

 Q : What am I living for?

A : "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:19-20) - Thats what. 

Q : First Childhood memory?
A : The one I always remember is giving my little brother a bath when he was a baby. haha super exiting I know...

Q: Whats your comfort food?
A: Probably chocolate and Thai rice 😍

Q: What makes guys attractive? 
A: Good hair. haha jk. It's all a matter of opinion...
(I know, probably not the answer you were looking for) 

Q: How does one flirt? 
A: this is pretty accurate:

Q: What is a good age to date?
A: In my opinion, once your done focussing on school, and all the drama that it comes with.

Q: How many colours are there?
A: Google says 10 million, but that "the answer is not so simple."

Q: If you were a snail, how fast would you go? 
A: snails don't go fast

Q: What/who inspires you as a fashion/lifestyle blogger?

Q: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
A: understanding/patience/peace between people and countries.
(Oh, and that there would be a "free chocolate day")

Q: Whats your favorite way to spend free time?
A: Playing guitar, shopping, hanging out with friends, and being outdoors.

Q: How many times should you try before giving up?
A: Why would you give up? Keep trying until your satisfied.

Q: How have your parents inspired you in fashion?
A: By encouraging my fashion interests... :)

Q: Favorite bible verse? 
A: John 14: 15-21 is one of my faves:)

Q: Favorite book you've read?
A: For sure pride and prejudice haha

Q: Favorite thing about blogging...?
A: Its hard to choose... I love taking pictures, and planning outfits. But I also love the community of fellow bloggers... And of corse, the writing. So, probably all of it!

So thats it, I hope you enjoyed... Please feel free to comment down below if you made it to the end! Also- the comment button is a little pencil.
(And, would you like to see a what I got for my birthday haul?)
ttyl- dom