Hey hey.
Summer is almost here!
So I thought of some things that might help it be as awesome as possible... haha
Tip #1: Stay hydrated!!!
You might get busy and have lots of things to do, but you need to remember to drink lots of water.
Add some fruit or cucumber to make taste better:)
Tip #2: Use sunscreen.
Sunscreen helps prevents skin from aging, (burns age/wrinkle skin) discolouration, and skin cancer.
And yes- you can still tan with sunscreen on!
Tip #3: Plan things!
If you don't have a full summer schedule, plan some beach days/ summer party's.
Tip #4: Take pictures:)
I take (too many) pictures all the time... but you'll want to remember the fun things you did this summer.
Tip #5: Make a little money!
The summer gives you lots of opportunities for jobs. Babysitting, mowing lawns, watering gardens, picking fruit... etc.
Thats all my tips for now:) ttyl- dom
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