
+ Q&A +

Hey hey.
So, I asked on instagram for some questions for a Q&A on my blog. Here are the funny, random, and sweet questions you left... and my answers too: 

 Q : What am I living for?

A : "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:19-20) - Thats what. 

Q : First Childhood memory?
A : The one I always remember is giving my little brother a bath when he was a baby. haha super exiting I know...

Q: Whats your comfort food?
A: Probably chocolate and Thai rice 😍

Q: What makes guys attractive? 
A: Good hair. haha jk. It's all a matter of opinion...
(I know, probably not the answer you were looking for) 

Q: How does one flirt? 
A: this is pretty accurate:

Q: What is a good age to date?
A: In my opinion, once your done focussing on school, and all the drama that it comes with.

Q: How many colours are there?
A: Google says 10 million, but that "the answer is not so simple."

Q: If you were a snail, how fast would you go? 
A: snails don't go fast

Q: What/who inspires you as a fashion/lifestyle blogger?

Q: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
A: understanding/patience/peace between people and countries.
(Oh, and that there would be a "free chocolate day")

Q: Whats your favorite way to spend free time?
A: Playing guitar, shopping, hanging out with friends, and being outdoors.

Q: How many times should you try before giving up?
A: Why would you give up? Keep trying until your satisfied.

Q: How have your parents inspired you in fashion?
A: By encouraging my fashion interests... :)

Q: Favorite bible verse? 
A: John 14: 15-21 is one of my faves:)

Q: Favorite book you've read?
A: For sure pride and prejudice haha

Q: Favorite thing about blogging...?
A: Its hard to choose... I love taking pictures, and planning outfits. But I also love the community of fellow bloggers... And of corse, the writing. So, probably all of it!

So thats it, I hope you enjoyed... Please feel free to comment down below if you made it to the end! Also- the comment button is a little pencil.
(And, would you like to see a what I got for my birthday haul?)
ttyl- dom